I am featured in a video

Check out this little interview that was conducted by my friend brennan loveless
where i was asked to give some wise advice on what I learned in college

Check out the video here


Summer Plans

In my first week of teaching I was told by a fellow teacher why
ever teacher goes into teaching…for summer break,
I start to wonder what i am going to do this summer.

To be honest, I really have no summer plans what so ever.
The only thing I know for an absolute is that I am going to the guru conference
hopefully with Ben Parker, playing softball
and I am taking part in the fantasy day at busch stadium.
Other than that, I have no “real” plans.

To make myself feel a little better, I have decided to come up with my ideal summer.
Obviously the best way to do this is to break it down into a top five list.
So here it is, my top five plans for my ideal summer:

1) Get a Girlfriend
As crazy as this dream sounds. To make this a very ideal summer would be
getting an ideal girl. I am not asking for much, just somebody.
I don’t want any parking place girls thought (see brennan loveless blog video)

2) Make some money doing something I enjoy
Who doesn’t want this?
I go back to a couple years ago in my life where I was a gas station attendant,
terrible times of monotony. The people were great, but the job, not so great.
What is my ideal job? Working with people who have a mission and doing
something I enjoy….can you say personal shopper

3) Read a lot of books
Nothing would be better than to go back to my sophomore year of college
when I was reading a book a week. Reading at least 5 to 7 books this summer
would be great.

4) Pick up a new hobby
I really don’t know what it will be. But I would like to start up a new
hobby that will keep me busy this summer. Any ideas?

5) Make a difference in someones life
I know this sounds funny or cheesy, but for me, to have an ideal
summer, I would like to make a difference in someones life.
Whether it be a timely phone call, a one-on-one conversation,
or a word of encouragement, I would love to make a difference
in someones life this summer.

So these are my top five ideal moments for the summer, I am curious…
what are your ideal plans for the summer?
If you want to blog about it, trackback here so we can read it

here is the trackback link: https://kylereed.wordpress.com/2009/05/25/summer-plans/


New Hillsong United

After the listening party last night on ragamuffinsoul.com
Check it out here

Tear Down the Walls Hillsong United

Tear Down the Walls Hillsong United

And today (tuesday) being the release of the new Hillsong United CD “Tear down the Walls”
I was curious to see what everyone thinks?

If you have heard maybe once, what is your initial reaction?
If you have listened to it a lot, what is your reaction and what do you like and not like about the cd?
If you have not heard it at all, what are you anticipating the cd to sound like?

I am Preaching

Pray for me today as I preach the word of God (or it preaches to me).

Oh Boy

Oh Boy

I am ready to go, I am now praying that my bad grammar and stamering does
not get into the way of the word of God.

Preaching on the echo of Paul’s life.

Here are some notes



"Can't wait to be on the internet for the goofiest photo ever taken"

Probably one of the funnier pictures I have seen in a little while

What is the best (appropriate) caption you can make for this phote?


Driscoll takes on Christianity

If you haven’t read this article or the newsweek artcle about America being
a post-Christian nation you should definitely check these two out.
I like the response and input Driscoll gives in this article.

Read it here

Respond to it here


Unheard or Discovered Blog

Since my last post on this went over really well (not),
I have decided to fill you in on a couple of blogs
that I have been paying attention to for the last couple of months.

1) Shaun in the City
Great blog from a church planter in ATL (seems like all church leaders are in ATL).
He has some great insights and an incredible story of survival.
His last post is getting some big response and some criticism,
I love when there is disagreement.

2) Youth Ministry Geek
I have just discovered this blog thanks to my friend Nikomas (which by the way, he has a great post on the blogs he reads)
So far, the reason this blog has made the list is for this post.
This is going to save me a lot of time.

3) Diaries of an STL beer man
The title is probably enough for you to go and check it out,
but if you are not into beer (sorry) then you should
at least go and read about the stories.
This blog is a look at what it is like to be a beer vendor at Busch Stadium.
From the perspective of  my friend Josh Hunt,
the stories that you read each day are too good to make up. Good stuff

As always I like to mention my man Carlos Whittaker, aka loswhit. He has an awesome post about mike vick and grace.
You should check it out

Also check out my Dad’s network blog.
This is great for anyone in need of a counselor or psychologist.
It gives you about 25 names of Counselors/Psychologist
all over the St. Louis area that are licensed and Christian based.
Good resource for you or a friend, cause we all know we are messed up.

What is one Blog that you read that no one has heard of before?


The final performance on American Idol

Tonight’s the big night. The night we have been waiting for since August.
The night where two enter and one leaves, tonight is the…Ok I will stop there.

Tonight is the final performance on American Idol.
Kris Allen and Screamy AKA Adam Lambart (SP? I don’t care)
perform for America in hopes of winning a competition that is already pre-arranged.
Ya, that’s right, it has already been decided. Adam Lambart is going to win.
Do you really think that Fox and Simon Cowell let America decide who is going to win?
I think not. Now I digress…

With the complete disappointment of the season finale of 24,
where nothing was resolved and we probably have to wait two more years
to watch terrible acting and phony suspense (why do I even watch?) to find out
how Jack will save the world, again. American Idol could be another big
disappointment in the eyes of yours truly.
Don’t get me wrong, in the Reed household Jack Bauer is sacred. If we didn’t believe
in the real God, Jack Bauer would be our god, we even named our dog Jack.
But after last nights finale, I am starting to doubt the goodness that is 24.

This scares me, I am worried that American Idol is going
to end in disappointment as well.
The aforementioned Kris Allen is my pick to win (here is why).
But, unfortunately this is not going to happen.
Adam is going to sing the same song the same way
and get the same response from Paula and he is going
to be crowned the winner of American Idol.

I hope I am wrong. Look at it this way, if I am right I look like a genius,
if I am wrong I still look like a genius because I picked
Kris Allen to win earlier in the year.

Looks like I am the true winner.

What do you think, who is going to win?


Note to my Sister

I wrote this note to my sister in a journal I got for her for graduation (i got her a couple of other things as well).
I thought I would share it with you to see why she is an awesome sister and follower of Christ.

I am proud of you, not because you have finished high school, not because you are going to college,
not because you have friends, and not because you say the right things. No, I am proud of you because you are you.
All these tings above could be easy to see how great you are, but that is not why I am proud of you. I am proud of you
because…you are humble, you care for all, not some, your heart is as big as your smile, and you love unconditionally.
Though you might look good on the outside, you are beautiful on the inside. And yet, I know that this will all be challenged.
Challenged in new ways, ways that will try and take away from your beauty. You will be tempted to give up, quit,
and not face the challenges of the day.
You will grow so much in the next chapter of your life and I would encourage you to continue to hold onto how God
has created you. The world needs love and you have a lot to give.
It is easy to see why I am proud of you, but I pray that you will continue to show the love of Christ
to a world that needs love.
I will be here to encourage you and push you on to love, to continue to encourage you to be you.
Kelsie, I am proud of you, Now…..

Love God, Love People, Prove it


Copying Culture

Picture 1

After seeing this site, Godwitter, linked on churckmarketingsucks.com my first initial reaction
was a couple of cuss words (in my head of course), another way we cheapen Christianity
to look like the culture. With the advent of Godtube, iGod, and any christian t-shirt I thought
it was over, but it is far from being over, it has just begun. Godwitter is an online site much like
the popular online community of twitter.

I get what is going on here, twitter is a great place to communicate, discuss, and keep in touch with great people,
why not grab a hold of that, but do we have to cheapin it so much? Do we (Christians) have to look like we
have no creative ability what-so-ever?
I am going to stop there because I could go on for a little bit.
I wonder….

What is the next great copy that is going to happen in christian marketing?

What is your response to this?

Here is what ChurchMarketingSucks.com said:
We do this under the guise of “redeeming our culture” or “being relevant.”
And I have nothing wrong with either of those things. But seriously, a Christian version of Twitter?
